Hi everyone! My name is Sreevyshnavi Tejovath. I was born and raised in Hyderabad, India. Having spent most of my life in the southern parts of India which is known for its vast culture and diversity made me realize the richness of my heritage. Hailing from a family of doctors, I was exposed to the service that needs to be provided to people from a very early age. Also, having parents belonging to two different cultural backgrounds has made me explore different food varieties, clothing styles, different kinds of people, languages and many more. Travelling and exploring places have been my favourite and I chose Canada.

I moved to Canada in 2018 in order to finish my bachelor’s in engineering and figure out a bright future for myself. Balancing both studies and exploring new places since then, has given me an opportunity to know myself better. The whole of 2018 was a complete cultural change for me personally and adapting to my new life didn’t take much time. Getting to know various cultured people, their food habits, visiting new places and creating space for myself have made me a better person over the years. 

Furthermore, I moved to Toronto to continue with my education in 2019. Though I was unhappy with my decision initially, it slowly made me realize how strong a person I was each time I faced a tough situation and overcame it. I met a lot of new people and made some very strong friendships which are lifelong. Travelled the whole of Toronto, and I must say visiting Niagara Falls for the first time has been one experience that I will cherish forever. Each time the splashes of water touched my face, I felt a sense of warmth something close to my mother’s hug. I happened to work at Walmart as a part-timer during summer, a whole new experience earning money for myself and making me feel independent. Making conversations with strangers and helping them used to make my day. Good grades, strong friendships and personal satisfaction were some of the things I take back from my stay in Toronto.

Moved back to Victoria in 2020, the place which gave me everything. Meeting new people, making conversations, enjoying the spring and juggling with studies has become a part of my day-to-day life.